

After diving into the micro-library,aka Backburner, that powers the Ember Run loop I decided to write a blogpost about it so that developers can have an idea of what it actually doing.

First of all you can find the source code for Ember.run here => ember.js/packages/ember-metal/run_loop.js.

Ember defines some callback functions before creating an instance of Backburner, such as:

onBegin => defines a currentRunLoop in the current instance of the backburner object and sets its to the currentInstance.
Backburner calls this callback whenever you create a new instance. This callback takes two arguments (currentInstance, previousInstance).

onEnd => Ember now sets the currentRunLoop to be the next instance which is returned by Backburner which is the last instance in the instanceStack that BackBurner keeps. This callback also takes two arguments (currentInstance, nextInstance).

It also sets the default Backburner queue to be the “actions” queue and the onErrorTarget to Ember itself and the onErrorMethod to “onerror” which is defined in Ember itself so when Backburner tries to flush it will check whether or not it should invoke, call the method passed in passing its target and arguments, with one error or not. It uses invokeWithOnError if an error occurs it will call the ‘onerror’ method defined before in the onErrorTarget which in this case is Ember itself.

You can see this snippet here: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/blob/master/packages/ember-metal/lib/run_loop.js#L22-L33

Great now we have an instance of the Backburner object ready to be used, let imagine the following scenario:

setNameOnPage: function(name) {
updateName: function() {

changeName: function() {
 Ember.run(function() {

So every time “name” changes ember will run the changeName property which creates/joins a run loop and tells the run loop, backburner, to run the “updateName” function once. Ember.run.once sets the default queue to be the “actions” queue and call the backburner scheduleOnce method, which is an alias to deferOnce in the Backburner object. Every time you or ember calls “run.once” the only thing that backburner will change is the arguments and the stack which is an instance of the Error object if debug is true.

Ember Run loop uses a GUID(i.e Global Unique Identifier) which I will cover in another blogpost, as I do not fully understand what it does yet.

As you can see here: https://github.com/ebryn/backburner.js/blob/master/lib/backburner/queue.js#L43-L100

I hope this post gives you an idea on what the Ember Run Loop is doing, Please leave your feedback/corrections bellow.

Toggle elements in EmberJS.

Hi there,

In this blogpost I will show you two ways of hiding and showing elements using EmberJS. If you do not know what EmberJS is please here about it here.

So let’s get started. I will be showing you how to do this in an efficient way in other words we won’t be creating a new instance of the show-todos component for every single todos. Instead we will be editing its state on the model.
This is good if you want to display more than 50 todos per page.

npm install ember-cli
ember new todos
cd todos

Add the following to your Router:

Router.map(function() {
  this.route('todo', { path: '/' });

Create a template named todo.hbs.

<h1>Showing todo list</h1>
{{show-todos action="todoToggler" todos=model.todos}}

So what’s happening above?
We are telling handlebars to look for a component named ‘show-todos’, Components follow a name convention such as name-here if you name your components without a dash you will have to register it manually as ember won’t know how to find it, and we also pass two parameters to it the first one is action and the second is todos. These params can be accessed within the component when it is rendered.

Create a template for the ‘show-todos’ component named show-todos.hbs

{{#each todo in todos}}
  {{#if todo.isNotHidden}}
    <p>{{todo.id}} - <button {{action 'toggleTodo' todo.id}}>Hide</button></p>
    <p>{{todo.id}} - <button {{action 'toggleTodo' todo.id}}>Show</button></p>

So remember I said the params we have passed in are accessible within the component’s template?
Above we are accessing the todos which points to all the todos that comes from the Controller that we defined.
We are looping through each todo and checking whether they are visible or not. Note that we show a different button name based on its state but we give it the same action name which is defined in the show-todos.js component and we also pass the todo id which will be used later on to find which component we should modify.

Create an Ember component named show-todos.js

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    toggleTodo: function(id) {
    this.sendAction('action', id);

Now that’s kinda cool and tricky, Ember ‘sendAction’ knows how to send actions to objects using the ‘action=name…’ that you gave when you called the component from a view.(e.g {{show-todos action=’todoToggler’ ….}}).
It will send an action named todoToggler with an id as the parameter.

Create a todo controller:

import Ember from "ember";

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  model: function() {
    return {
      [ { id: 1, isNotHidden: true }, { id: 2, isNotHidden: true } ]

  actions: {
    todoToggler: function(todo_id) {
      var todos = this.model.todos,
          todo = todos.findBy('id', todo_id);

      todo.isNotHidden = todo.isNotHidden ? false : true;
      this.set('model.todos', todos.sortBy('id'));


We defined the data that we usually get from calling a model directly into the controller (i.e model property).
Whenever we click on a button defined in app/templates/components/show-todos.hbs it will be calling the action ‘toggleTodo’ that is defined in app/components/show-todos.js that will trigger another action which in this case is ‘todoToggler’ that we defined above in app/controllers/todo.js.
Whenever the todoToggler actions gets called it will fetch all the todos find the todo we want to modify using the todo.id that we passed in as a parameter when we triggered the ‘todoToggler’ from the show-todos component action and it will remove that todo from the todos list, reassign isNotHidden to true if it was false or vice versa, add the newly modified todo and sort by it’s ‘id’ property which will put the todo items in order and set ‘model.todos’ to be it.

So the way Ember works is that none of that will actually change anything on the view until the last bit gets executed and the it will re-render the view for us. If you want to know more about this have a look that the Ember run loop.

So whenever you click on the Show button it will change isNotHidden that is false to true and ember will render the template therefore showing that element.

That’s it for today, I will be posting another way of doing this which is a more expensive way of doing it.

Behaviour Driven Development with Sinatra + Cucumber, Capybara, and Rspec expectations

Hello all,

On this blog post we’re going to write a very simple flight api to see destinations.
My intention here is to guide, walk you through, on how to test, drive your code, using cucumber and others.

First of all, dependencies.

Make sure you have the following gem on your Gemfile.

source :rubygems
ruby "2.0.0"

gem "sinatra"
gem "sinatra-assetpack", "~> 0.3.2", require: "sinatra/assetpack"

group :test do
  gem "cucumber"
  gem "capybara"
  gem "capybara-webkit"
  gem "rspec-expectations"

Asumming you have relady run: bundle

Create a file in features/home_page.feature and open it up in your editor/ide of choice, I use vim.
Here we go now, we’re going to write out first cucumber feature. However what’s the definition of a feature or a scenario?

A cucumber feature is:

In cucumber, a feature is a high-level requirement expressed from the perspective of a person or another computer using
the system. Features play a role similar to that of user stories in XP.
source: The RSpec book

Or you can read this Feature Introduction

Great, I assume that you must know what cucumber features are by now.

Let’s write our first Acceptance test.
Before, make sure you have created a file under the dir features/support/env.rb

Feature: Displaying departures
  Given Paul is on our website
  And he wants to see a list of departures

  Given a Paul is on home page
  Scenario: List of departures
  Then he should see a list of departures

And now, we run it:


You should an output like this:
What that means is cucumber telling us what we have to do next, this is the beauty of writing tests.
Once you’ve written it, if you follow the laws of TDD/BDD you will always now what the next step is and most important
when you are done with a feature/functionality.

Right, so now we have to implement those pending steps.
Create and open up a file under the dir feature/step_definitions/home_page.rb

I tend to copy and paste that output cucumber gives us, and then write our tests.
I also like writing a small DSL to enforce what we are testing rather than writing those methods that a testing framework provide.

Given(/^a Paul is on home page$/) do

Then(/^Paul should see a list of departures$/) do
  user_should_see_a( list: ".departures li", count: 3, text: /./ )

Let’s define a helper under the dir features/support/helpers.rb

module Helpers
  def customer_is_on(path)
    visit( path == :home_page ? "/" : path )
  alias :are_on :customer_is_on

  def should_see_a(*args)
    attributes = args.first
    tag = attributes.delete(attributes.first[0])
    page.should have_css(tag, attributes)

  def user_types_in(element, text)
    fill_in element, with: text



What we just did was, we create a Ruby module, some methods and included it into  cucumber World using World method.
Whenever we write code like this it becomes easier to change, embrace change, and we do not have to hard-code a lot of stuff.
For example if we were to write it like so:

Then(/^Paul should see a list of departures$/) do
  %w{ New\ York Japan Paris }.each do |city|
     page.should have_content(city)

What happens if we’d like to change those city names? we would have to come back to this test and hard-code it again.
What if we could write tests that still tests the behaviour but we do not have to hard-code a lot?


Yes we can :), With the help of capybara and our good Ruby skills plus our brains we can do so.
Let’s examine this snippet of code:

def should_see_a(*args)
  attributes = args.first
  tag = attributes.delete(attributes.first[0])
  page.should have_css(tag, attributes)

The good thing of doing this is that it enforces our tests to be more readable, we can reuse this method later on, and we can integrate this in
almost any context.

Okaay, let’s get this done.
What we do now? we run our tests again.


What happens now? It fails, yeah this is the first step of TDD.
Now that we’re RED, we need to write just enough code to make our tests go GREEN and the RE FACTOR.

Create and open up file under root dir named app.rb

require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'json'
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::AssetPack
  assets do
    js :application, [ "/js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js", "/js/index.js" ]

  get '/' do
    @departures = [1,2,3]
    erb :index

Note that I have written some code to require our assets, css and js files, relying on the gem sinatra-assetpack.
What do we do next? We run our test suite again.


And now it, capybara, complains that it can not find those elements we have told it to find.
So the next step is to write our view under the dir views/view.erb
Which you can check out here.

Great, we run our test suite again.


, and

We have our first test, user story, passing.
How awesome is that?

I think this is enough, there is a lot more I’d like to go through but time is limited.
If you like this little sinatra app, you can check this out here on Github, I have written another acceptance test, user story, that
tests when a user types in a name of a city to see that city’s destinations.
It uses Ajax to send this data to the server and updates the page showing destinations found or an error message.

Please do not hesitate to criticise or teach me if I have forgotten something or if you think you have a better way of doing this.


Simulate a Shell in Vim| Run your test suite inside Vim. GNU/Screen || Tmux

Hi there!

Have you noticed that you keep dancing between tabs on your terminal window?
If you happen to do TDD/BDD this can be quite tedious plus you have that feeling of
“I am repeating myself”. Hackers/Programmers/Bakers do not like repeating themselves over and over again ( unless they’re mastering at something ).

Most of my time I use CLI rather GUI, therefore it can be quite painful to open two shell sessions and have to be hitting Alt + F1/ F2 all the time to see the results of my tests.
I also had to be typing :w (save in VimL) all the time to save the feature I am working on.

This tutorial aims to cover Minitest ( Minitest is awesome ). However it can be used for
any other testing framework that are out there. ( RSpec, Bacon, Shoulda, etc…)

Let’s get started. We’re going to use Watchr in order to monitor our files ( i.e every time we save a file watchr runs our test suite for us ). I have had some issues while using
autotest therefore we’re not using it.
However one can use autotest instead of watchr to get this working.

So what do we need?
Assuming you’re using Vim you just need to install GNU/Screen or Tmux and this vim plugin http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2711 written by Eric Van Dewoestine.( Make sure you say thank you to him. )

A little bit about GNU Screen and Tmux. ( You can read them, I’ll wait. )



Let’s assume you’re using GNU/Linux as your OS, GNU/Screen as your terminal multiplexer, Minitest as your testing framework, and Watchr to automate the process of running tests.

1 – Install GNU/Screen or Tmux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install screen

2 – Install Vim Screen plugin mentioned above.
Follow the installation instructions on the Vim Screen plugin webpage.

3 – Install autotest , watchr or any other tool to automate your tests.
gem install watchr
gem install minitest

4 – Configure you tests to run automatically.
Here is my watchr script to run my test suite.
( Fiddle with it and use it the way it suits you better )

#-*- ruby -*-
# Run me with:
# $ watchr specs.watchr
# --------------------------------------------------
# Rules
# --------------------------------------------------
watch('^CHANGE_TO_YOUR_TESTS_DIR/.*_spec\.rb') { |m| ruby m[0] }
watch('^CHANGE_TO_YOUR_LIB_DIR/(.*)\.rb') { |m| ruby "CHANGE_TO_YOUR_TESTS_DIR/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
watch('^CHANGE_TO_YOUR_TESTS_DIR/minitest_helper\.rb') { ruby tests }
# --------------------------------------------------
# Signal Handling
# --------------------------------------------------
Signal.trap('QUIT') { ruby tests } # Ctrl-\
Signal.trap('INT' ) { abort("\n") } # Ctrl-C
# --------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# --------------------------------------------------
def ruby(*paths)
run "ruby #{gem_opt} -I.:CHANGE_TO_YOUR_LIB_DIR:.:CHANGE_TO_YOUR_TESTS_DIR -e'%w( #{paths.flatten.join(' ')} ).each {|p| require p }'"
def tests
def run( cmd )
puts cmd
system cmd
def gem_opt
defined?(Gem) ? "-rubygems" : ""
view raw specs.watchr hosted with ❤ by GitHub

5 – Create vim key maps
This can be a little intimidating to whomever is new to VimL.
( i.e Vim Language ). I’d rather read these first.

:help i_ctr
:help key-notation
:help map
Here are my vim’s key maps


Okay mummy, I hope I made your life a little bit easier.
Remember ABC = Always Be Coding.

Ahhh, screenshot of the thingy working:
Tcharan: ( BTW that’s on GUI )